What is Concierge Medicine?
Concierge Medicine allows a patient to expect a much closer relationship with their provider that includes: 24/7 accessibility, longer office visits that don’t feel rushed, and greater coordination through the medical maze. Concierge Medicine is simply modern day medicine with the personal touch that so many patients long for.
This means no more needing to bend your schedule to accommodate someone else. It means no more lingering in waiting rooms for an eternity. It means no more wishing you had access to your doctor during “off” hours, like weekends and late at night (because, let’s face it: medical issues don’t run on a 9-5 schedule). It means no more rushed office visits with a merry-go-round of providers who barely know your name, let alone your medical history.
Simply put: We put you and your health first. And that’s the way it should be, right?
Attentive, Personalized Care
The average provider struggles to care for thousands of patients. How well can they really know you?
We ensure our ability to devote the time needed to provide the kind of care that primary care was intended to provide.

At Your Convenience
In many cases, the availability of your provider can be frustratingly difficult to come by. What happens when you really need them?
Our focus is to provide care to you when you need it. We work to provide you with seamless access and virtually unlimited time that is unlike any practice you’ve ever experienced.
More Time With Your Family Nurse Practitioner
The average appointment lasts less than 15 minutes, often leaving concerns unaddressed and questions unanswered.
Concierge Care & Consulting appointments are unrushed and can be as brief or as long as necessary to address your concerns.